Bill Postmus
Bill Postmus was the principal architect of two significant voter-endorsed initiatives—establishing term limits for elected supervisors and a measure limiting government interference with eminent domain. Measure P put term limits on county supervisors and was overwhelmingly approved by voters, winning praise from government reform and public watchdog organizations.
Measure O was a matter close to Supervisor Postmus's heart. In the aftermath of a US Supreme Court decision (Kelo vs. Norwalk) that sanctioned wide-ranging eminent domain practices, local governments frequently seized private property.
Bill crafted a proposal to limit such actions by public agencies. Upon gaining the approval of his county's electorate, Measure O now prohibits the county from utilizing eminent domain to take property for transfer to another private entity.
Bill was appreciative that voters across the county supported his beliefs on limiting eminent domain, leading to the successful enactment of the measure. County Assessor and Proponent of Modernization following his term as board chair, He was promoted to county assessor, a role he stepped into after defeating a 12-year incumbent who had lost voter trust. As the Assessor of San Bernardino County, Postmus made significant advances in modernizing the department, simplifying processes, and implementing sizeable property tax savings for taxpayers.
Measure O was a matter close to Supervisor Postmus's heart. In the aftermath of a US Supreme Court decision (Kelo vs. Norwalk) that sanctioned wide-ranging eminent domain practices, local governments frequently seized private property.
Bill crafted a proposal to limit such actions by public agencies. Upon gaining the approval of his county's electorate, Measure O now prohibits the county from utilizing eminent domain to take property for transfer to another private entity.
Bill was appreciative that voters across the county supported his beliefs on limiting eminent domain, leading to the successful enactment of the measure. County Assessor and Proponent of Modernization following his term as board chair, He was promoted to county assessor, a role he stepped into after defeating a 12-year incumbent who had lost voter trust. As the Assessor of San Bernardino County, Postmus made significant advances in modernizing the department, simplifying processes, and implementing sizeable property tax savings for taxpayers.